Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall on the Range

range leaves
 This is fall on the range.  There is still a lot of green, a whole lotta brown, and little smatterings of yellow.  I like it.  It's not Owen Lake colors, but it will do.

Here are some pix for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy the colors of the range.

Click on the picture to enlarge it.  Then jump right into the picture and experience it all!

Gobble, Gobble.  This is PERFECT turkey hunting territory.

Can you see them hiding under the trees?  Look very carefully.

Usually there are about a dozen turkeys out sunning themselves in the tall grass.

leaves and needles and twigs

golden leaves and green pines

yellow on the forest floor

There was frost on the pumpkin this mornin'.  I had to scrape the windows on "The Duke." I guess it's time to get the skis down and start waxin' 'em up.

from the range, peace,
the handy girl


  1. Kathaleen,
    Your Fall Foliage ON THE RANGE Pictures are BEAUTIFUL. B-E-A-YOoUu-TEE-FUL! Better than Blacklock, that's for sure!

  2. Thanks, Sissy. You are B-E-A-you-tee-ful too!
