Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It's branding season,
and things are starting to brighten up around here.
After perusing the past few posts,
I realized there is a whole-lotta drab going on around here.
I dug deep into the archives and found some old branding photos.
Green, blue, and bursting with color...
The photos I'm sharing with you today were taken about three years ago.
I think.
Time flies when you're having fun!

Loves branding season

First we gather.

Then rope.

Then wrestle, vaccinate, and brand...

Hang on, because this is where the LOVE part comes in...
Pa Carlson.  He's wrestling a calf.
He's also a little over a month away from marrying...

Ma Carlson.  She also wrestles calves.
She's handy and very much in love.

Love these horses.
I think they are lookin' for love. . .
(in all the wrong places...name that tune...)

Oh, look, another Ma and Pa Carlson! 
They are getting married on 9.10.11.
Can you stand it? More love. 
He's a cowboy. She's a cowgirl.
They are both very handy and very much in love.

Father and Son.
Now hold your horses,
they are not getting married,
but young son there just GOT married.
He and his darling bride up and eloped two weeks ago.
I'm sorry I don't have a picture of her. 
She is truly a "princess bride."
Don't you just love a good love story?

Marvin and Cloretta
True Love.
These ranchers were married almost 62 years.
Say it with me now... Six-tee, too, yyyy-ears!
Marvin passed away a while back.
This is a picture of true love.

I wish all the youngins a long-lasting love,
just like Marvin and Cloretta.
Yes indeed, it's branding season and

from the range, peace and LOVE,
the handy girl

Name that tune:
"Lookin' for Love"
Waylon Jennings and/or Johnny Lee
(The Senator loves Waylon Jennings!)

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